Oculus DK2

Discussion in 'Computer Building and Components' started by SheepHugger, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I'm ordering it now. (tomorrow or so after the money's wired)

    They're saying it takes 1-2 weeks before it ships so I expect it to arrive in mail in 3 weeks.

    Excited. I have tried out DK1 and already that was pretty impressive despite it's limitations.

    While I'm of course mostly using it for virtual reality work, I think it's impossible to expect someone to resist the urge to try it with MWO and similar. Too bad I don't have GTA V yet.

    Any tips or so? Any recommendations? Or just random thoughts?

    If all goes well, I might be able to escape the telemarketing purgatory with this toy and even find money to finish my game. That's actually what I'm most excited about, not looking down at virtual reality or anything but it could actually change my life right now.


    Do you guys know any enhancements currently available that can be bought? Like position systems, tilting systems etc.?
  2. Black Widow

    Black Widow Well Liked Thrall

    I almost ordered one (or a cheap, used, DK1) but just thought I'd hold off for the v.1.0 retail.

    I thought this would be "The Shit" is spite of the naysayers. I also thought it would be the only "real" player in town for a while till it catches on. Then SONY announced. Obviously, they had been working of for a while, but just kept quiet. But, I would never buy a SONY even if it didn't need a Playstation (PC master race! woot!)

    But, now the VALVE headset has me intrigued. And also a bit frustrated. I know more competition is always better, but sometimes standards are preferable. Even if it's a standard vendor and not necessarily specs.

    Does your DK2 have the IR sensors on the outside? Hell, by the time any of them go retail, they will all have 1920 resolution, full spacial tracking, external camera (use for VR/real world video mash ups), full hand/finger recognition.

    I don't have enough time to play the games I have anymore let alone the potential VR full immersions fantasies I have dreamed about since I grabbed my first joystick. It has to potential to be awesome. Although I think I would have to draw the line somewhere before hand tracking / walking station.

    I get that SO MANY applications will benefit from this, but I don't ACTUALLY want to get exhausted chasing a dragon down and hacking him to pieces. Although, the new FULL FANTASY exercise games that will surely develop from this could be fun.
  3. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    DK2 does have a positional camera in addition to rotation sensor so it's already pretty nice. Valve VR has two hand controllers with it and is free (possibly), but delivery times could take really long at this point.

    I think a lot of games won't support the positional data since they don't have a system for moving the head horizontally or vertically, only the character and camera rotation. I can make our own products support both.

    I don't have a lot of time to play but I'm definitely going to check out some sims with it. I guess it works the best with sims and some fps, though I want to see how it feels with some strategy as well, despite they weren't made for it.

    I hope it will help secure some sales, maybe I could at some point be making a VR strategy game or so. That would be cool.
  4. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    I would so love a VR Strategy game. I'm trying to think of how it would work though, I mean like VR is used for moving your head and thats where you look, what would that help in a "RTS" or the like?

    I also want a VR headset that will work with an external camera, so I can walk around IRL, and be playing a game at the same time. Put npc's into the world, with "real world quests" and what not. Gimmie my Cyborg life I've always wanted through college experiments and what not.
  5. Restrict commander view to any friendly unit's POV. Player/commander has all the tools and controls but can only see what their units can see.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  6. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I was also thinking along the lines of a Homeworld style strategy game. You could more easily make out the 3D space of the battles and stuff like that, what is near and what is high etc. 2D monitors are efficient at killing 3D.

    I just got order confirmation and payed up...

    Dear god, what have I done?
  7. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    those're called AR, or Augmented Reality. I would really love to see one of those japanese dating sims built into an AR system and instead of having characters, the people you encounter in the real world become the cast, and it provides them with inappropriate dialogue which you can reply to with either eye/head tracking or mouse so you don't actually have to spout out bizarre replies to people who aren't aware of what 'they' said.
  8. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    Maybe an ice breaker app. something that starts conversations by giving you something they would have said, but you have an ask the question.
  9. Kravity

    Kravity Well Liked Thrall

    My game design course has these available for students. They're fucking amazing
  10. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Augmented reality dating apps? :glee:
    Kravity and Damion Sparhawk like this.
  11. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    i really want one eventually, but I'm just sticking to trackir until something consumer comes out
  12. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I'm guessing DK2 will still be significantly inferior to the final version, so 350$ + shipping is quite a lot for a prototype model. I only myself got it because it might help me get some contracts.