World of Tanks Guide

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Aspius, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Please only write usefull stuff in the comment section (I know how you guys are)

    I will split this up in 5 sections. 1 general and 1 for every class. i will also add videos so you can see how stuff should be done and how they shouldnt be done.

    If you wonder why im writing this?. Its because how alot of people doesnt seem to know the basics of the game (i'm not blaming you but there may be a few stuff you dont know).

    Also send me a PM if you want me to add something


    1. Always be in either cover or camouflage. Just use anything tahts close by a bush (it will make it harder for them to spot you), a building, rocks just something.

    2. Don't do stupid things (This is pretty obvious but it can be fun sometimes)

    3. AP or HE?
    You should use AP when you know hat you have a big chance of penetrating. When you know that you can't penetrate your opponents armor you should switch to HE so you can actually do some damage to them.
    Summary: You should mostly use AP but be sure to carry some HE aswell.

    4. Never follow Flessar if you do you will die. You will also die if you are near him.

    Here is a list of in wich order the scouting list goes of who is to scout for artillery (Also known as arty)
    1: Lights
    4:Tank Destoyers(TD)

    Experience and Credit System
    Free experience: For every 20 exp you get you also get 1 free exp

    This is waht someone elso wrote about the Exp and credit system

    If someone shoots a tank and the only way they see the tank is because of you, you get 1.5 credits and they get -0.5 credits for that shot. Other people have said the XP works the same, but I can't say for certain until I see it in writing.
    You get points for being the first to spot a tank.
    There are modifiers for damaging tanks in a higher tier than yourself. I don't know for sure whether you get more XP for spotting higher tier tanks, but I seem to get more credits for spotting the higher tanks.
    More credits for spotting and damaging arty

    Every day at 8pm eastern the "first victory of the day" resets
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
  2. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    EDIT: Cause stupid and out of date
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
  3. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    reserved for something
  4. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    I can work on the arty section if you'd like. I'll work on the information and send it to you in a PM after work.
  5. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    I have have experience with all if them, but mostly Meds and Heavies - I shall impart what I know.

    Mediums - equip yourself for your style (true for most tanks, but especially for Meds)
    By that, I mean additional equipment - if you like sniping, Binocs, Camo Net and Gun-Laying Drive is recommended. High-pen, high-damage and slow firing gun is recommended.
    If you want to run and gun, Gun rammer, GLD and Stabilizer (if available). Faster loading and aiming gun is recommended.

    Note on Mediums by nation: USSR Meds tend to be overgunned and underprotected at Tiers 6 and 7, while the US tanks are very well protected, but are short on firepower in those tiers. Germans, naturally, have it all :sad:
    Note on the French - they are HIDEOUSLY DANGEROUS at the higher tiers.

    Heavies - My favorite to play :D
    Equip your heavies to make up for weaknesses - case in point, my IS-3 has a tendency to have it's ammo rack broken :sad: so I installed a wet ammo rack.
    If you have a tenency to end up as arty food, Spall Liner is a must.

    Note on national differences in Heavies: Soviet Heavies (from Tier 7 onwards) feel and move like Mediums, don't be afraid to play like one ;)
    Soviet tanks have almost no effective gun-depression: -10 degrees is all you get. You cannot fight "hull-down" with a soviet tank. You'll find you play better in urban areas.

    German heavies lack the mobility of the Soviet tanks, but tend to have more hitpoints, better frontal armour and tend to be properly balanced in terms of firepower.
    German make good all-round tanks - what can I say?

    American Heavies (before the new update) are strange - impenetrable turret, armor on the hull is baaaad but they are insanely over-gunned.
    American tanks in general have massive gun depressions, making "hull-down" a favored tactic.

    French Heavies... well, there only a handful - 2 are laughable. The rest are the personification of the Grim Reaper on tracks.
    All French heavies pack 5/6 shot semi-autos with serious penetration - but they suffer from the Soviet disease of having severly limited vertical gun travel. Virtually all Frenchies can (and should) mount a gun stabilizer

    That what I got - useful at all?
  6. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    You do that steelbear a tip is taking this with you

    Targeting order
    1: Arty

    You could also talk a bit with Barbieterrorist as she seem to know a bit about arty

    Good job Killbox
  7. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    Artillery (Arty)
    You are the squishy guy sitting behind the lines raining death on anyone your friends can see. When the match begins, get to cover. Hide in a bush or behind a small ridge. As Barbie pointed out, higher Tier arty should move to a new spot after every shot/every other shot. The reason behind this is the enemy arty may be watching for your tracers so they can knock you out without sending a suicide scout into your base. On that same note, if a suicide scout makes it into range and you think they might have spotted you, move. Even if they are dead and the chance is small that they saw you, it's better to be safe. While a lot of people will give arty crap for not racking up 5 kills a match, you play a huge part in the battle.
    Who to kill
    1. Artillery-If someone on your team spots them, or if you spot one of their tracers, light them up. even if you aren't positive where they are, just bomb the general area to keep them moving so they can't fire on your friends. And you may get a lucky blind shot.
    2. Heavies- These guys are going to be your main target since good arty won't let you see them. They are generally slow, so they're easier targets than their lighter counterparts.
    3. Tank Destroyers- TDs can make everyone's life hell. If you don't have any heavies to pick on and the arty are all hiding, do your best to hit/annoy these guys. Since a few of them have open tops, a well aimed turret shot can cause some serious damage. The best part about TDs is that they like to stay still to line up shots. This gives you time to really make them pay.
    4. Mediums- They can be as tough as heavies sometimes, or as annoying as lights. They're not as high of a priority as the heavies, but if the heavies are almost dead and are being fired on by your friendlies, you may want to turn your attention to these guys, unless there are healthy TDs.
    5. Lights- Generally, you won't be shooting at them. If they're rushing you, turn to them and make them regret their choices. But out on the battlefield where they aren't a threat to you, they really aren't worth it. However, if they are your only targets, burn them.
    Other Info
    As arty, your main research objectives should be a better gun and a good radio. The better the gun, the more range you have and the harder you can hit. Better radios allow you to receive signals from farther out, allowing you to aim at that TD camping in his base where he thinks he's safe. Artillery is not for everyone. It takes a bit of patience and a lot of practice. You won't always get kills. But once you learn the ropes, you can be a huge help to your team. Firing behind a hiding enemy to flush them from cover into your waiting TDs, knocking out the enemy arty and giving your guys room to breathe, or even tracking a fleeing enemy can change the entire face of the battle.
    If any of you other arty users have any advice to give, feel free to expand on/correct anything I've said.
  8. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    For Scouts and Arty: Get your radios upgraded before moving to the next tier. Many of them are cross-tier, meaning that the radio from tier 2 will be available in tier 3, 4, and so on.
  9. BarbieTerrorist

    BarbieTerrorist New Guy Thrall

    Well said Steelbear, coundn't have said it better!
  10. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    Thanks. Also, if there are three or more arty on your side and you have confidence that the other arty can support your team, keep an eye on known arty locations and watch for tracers. I did this last night and turned games around.
  11. BarbieTerrorist

    BarbieTerrorist New Guy Thrall

    Adding to that, a good working tactic is to have the lower tier arty counter battery, while the heavier arty focuses more on supporting the team with the more powerful gun.
    Most arties don't have many hit points. So even lower tier guns will have good effect.
  12. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    Especially the ones with open tops like the M37 and M7 Priest. You drop a present in there and it doesn't really matter what tier you are.
  13. BarbieTerrorist

    BarbieTerrorist New Guy Thrall

    And they do love presents!!!
  14. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    Chris, I vote you make this thread sticky.
  15. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    Just to repeat once more for the new people, dont follow me. It usually leads to lots of fire's and dying, but for our side not theirs.

  16. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Note: I have not written this
    Original guide:

    U.S. tech tree: US tanks are the middle classed tanks. They have better damage then German tanks but not better then its Russian counterparts. It also has better accuracy, faster rate of fire and sometimes better penetration then Russian tanks. Although American tanks are usually the least armored tanks in the game, but they have a rather large health pool.

    Heavy line : The American heavy line is one of the most unsteady tech tree. It offers good low tier tanks and decent high tier tanks apart from the T34 which can be a pain in the ass without the 120mm. The main problem is the mid tier tanks, the M3 Lee, the T1 Heavy and arguably the M6 can be painful to get trough.

    SPG line : again, American SPGs are the in between spot. But they have something all other tree doesn't have better : aiming time. This is a very important statistic for SPGs as it reduces the time between which you can fire a shot and deal damage. American SPGs have a damage on par with other SPGs as well as accuracy. They are also pretty mobile making them good for dodging counter battery.

    Medium line : Being the jack of all trade of the trees and the medium tanks being the jack of all trades of the tanks, American medium tanks are pretty much good at everything they do without being the best at it. The T20 with 90mm is eating most other tier VII medium as they can't retaliate to the massive 240 damage. Although the T23 is the only tier VIII medium with no tier VIII gun.

    Tank Destroyer line : US TDs will have a very unsteady research tree. You begin with closed topped, non turreted and decently armored, tank destroyer to turreted tank destroyer with low armor, to come back to non turreted TDs with a truckload of armor and a very good gun, but very sad mobility. The T25 AT(tier VII) is the only tier VII tank destroyer with a tier IX gun, this makes it an incredibly good tank at tier VII.

    Russian tech tree : Russian tanks are the fast and agile and low armored tanks. While this might be true in low tier, it certainly is not in the higher tier from tier VIII to tier X. Russian tanks usually sport a huge gun dealing tremendous amount of damage with a fair amount of penetration, but at the cost of low accuracy and slow reload. Russian tanks also have the lowest chance of taking on fire and the lowest health pool. Managing damage as a Russian tanks and paying attention at what can damage you and what can not is crucial.

    Heavy line : this tree is quite awkward, you get tanks that are incredibly slow at tier V and VI that can have very good guns(107mm and 122mm). Before that you have a T-28, the T-28 is a horrible tank without the 85mm, but if well wielded, it can be good. The russian heavy line has the worst of all trees stock tanks. The problem is they must rely on their mobility to perform well, and without tracks and engines, this can be quite hard to do.

    Tank destroyer line : this tree can be cumbersome at tier III and IV, but once the closed top TDs are unlocked they generally perform well. What distinguish this tree from the other is the fearsome BL-10 you can get on the ISU-152 and should have on the Object 704. This gun deals a massive 750 damage.

    Medium line : Russian medium tanks are usually good, they have better armor then German and American medium, but have horrible rate of fire and accuracy on the move. The T-44(tier VIII) is also reknown for having huge problems with the ammo rack. Buying a wet ammo rack is needed on the T-44.

    SPGs : the Russian SPGs are quite similar gun wise to the American, but Russian SPGs have closed tops(at higher tiers) which gives them better protection against high explosive rounds, better armor, but they are incredibly slow. This makes them hard to kill for light tanks, but very vulnerable to any type of counter battery.

    German tech tree : German tanks are known for their high accuracy and high rate of fire, but low damage. German tanks usually have the best armor and highest health pool. This gives the German tank the ability to withstand a boatload of damage and still live to tell the tale. German have one flaw : their engines which takes fire more often then any other tree.

    Heavy line : German heavy line is horrible at stock, but gets better wtih each upgrades it has. They are also incredibly slow and armored. When playing a German heavy, be ready to take damage and give some punishment with the long 88. You must take this tree with attention, german heavies are huge damage sponge and very good snipers meaning they are pretty versatile in the gameplay they offer.

    Medium line : the german medium line is good, the Panther with the tier VIII gun is a real danger to most tanks it faces, much more then what the 122mm is for the T-44. They also have decent armor and good mobility in general, German mediums are mobile sniping platform.

    Tank Destroyer line : this tree is quite weird, it starts with tanks that have very good guns and good mobility but no armor and goes down the tree with upgrading the armor at the cost of mobility giving you the Jagdtiger that is fearsome if well wielded. In patch 6.4, the hitbox of most tanks were fixed giving an almost new feeling of the German TDs as they are much less prone to taking fire and/or loosing engines. Yet again, German tank destroyers are good sniper, but the ferdinand and jagdtiger can take a hell of a beating without knowing any issues with their crews or modules. German TDs are most efficient with friends, this is not a lone wolf tree.

    SPGs line : German SPGs are the one getting the big ass canon. The 210mm deals a awesome 2000 avergae damage on direct hit, but it has the slowest reload time. German SPGs are also pretty damn fast for their size, this makes them incredibly good machines for counter battery and relocations. They also can be used efficiently as battle arty, have fun watching this :
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  17. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Note that the guide above was written during V6.4

    This is one of teh best i have found, its not accurate anymore but it do give a good overview of everything
  18. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    8.0 is out and so is the physics, I had fun pushing a super pershing off a cliff in my IS-4. If you havent been back since the update, come back and try it out. You may still not find it your cup of tea, but I find it fun.
  19. Orcinus

    Orcinus Veteran DovaOrca Berserker

    Tested out and greatly enjoyed the new physics engine.

    Now to figure out how to make the new T-43 not suck...
  20. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking