Dead Space / Dead Space 2

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Mezzanine, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Mezzanine

    Mezzanine Well Liked Thrall

    Just bought these on a Steam sale: $10 for the pair!

    Anyone else played these? I've always heard good things about 'em, and so far Dead Space reminds me a lot of Doom 3 with the spooky lighting and things jumping out at me. I love the way that the holographic displays project in front of you, and the interface feels built in and integrated into the world (not a HUD overlay).

    Hooray for creepy science fiction shooters!
  2. Hunter Gamma

    Hunter Gamma Well Liked Viking

    I've played both of them and liked them too.
    The first DS does excellent job creating really creepy atmosphere with odd ambient music and noises; "Make us whole again."
    The gameplay stays relatively simple through the whole game; Conserve ammo, chop limps, solve light puzzles. As I mentioned before, the atmosphere is the DSs best part. Last time a game scared me as much was the System Shock 2. The first time I met "The Hunter" I pretty much went "Yep, I'm outta here!", ran all the way back to the tram station and just stand there for about five minutes to recollect myself.

    DS2 is a bit more action oriented, but has its creepy and scary moments too. Isaacs hallucinations about Nicole aren't as well made as they could be but they work, and I like the final boss (you'll see). My favourite moment would be the return to "The Ship".
    A common comparison is that if DS was Alien, DS2 is Aliens. Both are great in their own ways. My only big problem with DS2 was the personification of Isaac and lacking feel of solitude. In DS, the strong feel of loneliness was similar to SS1&2 where there was no other humans around and nobody to talk to. You were one against... the infinite.

    Anyways, long story short: If you love scifi horror, $10 for DS and DS2 is a very good deal!

    Shame that EA seems to be messing way too much with DS3. I will not be preordering it, and will buy it only after reading reviews from couple of trusted sources.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  3. Kazaashi

    Kazaashi New Guy Thrall

    I thoroughly enjoyed the first game. It was really satisfying shooting the limbs off of space monsters! I haven't beat it, yet though.