The Division

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Manco, Feb 12, 2014.


What is your level of interest for this game? (vote can be changed)

  1. I'm definitely wanting to play this.

  2. I want to play this, but can't justify spending the money/time.

  3. I'm on the fence about playing this.

  4. This game does not interest me.

  1. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    I'm having fun but the end is in sight until new content drops, then it's probably back to Seige for a while.

    But I've gotten a good amount of hours out of the game, certainly as much as I've gotten out of many other games I thought were worth the money.
  2. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    Had a great time yesterday running around the dark zone being terrified with Varg. Things got really tense for awhile when we were being hunted by some rogue agents, Varg finally threw them off the scent by setting up a diversionary extraction while we ran to a different point to get our loot out.

    A great, relatively emergent exeperience in the game, just the kind of thing I was hoping for.
    Pidian, Vargyr, gihzmo and 1 other person like this.
  3. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    Damn wish I could have been there! Swamped with homework this weekend. Seeing more rogues now that people are getting kitted out and more 30s around?
  4. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    There does seem to have been an uptick. I'm excited to get a full group and roll 4 deep in the DZ
  5. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I'm still only level 6
    Sheogoraath likes this.
  6. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    I'm around level 20 at the moment.
    Sheogoraath likes this.
  7. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    I'm thinkin' about rolling an alt to use just for going rogue and pvp.
    Sheogoraath likes this.
  8. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    Pidian likes this.
  9. Pidian

    Pidian Well Liked Thrall


    Sheogoraath likes this.
  10. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    Alas poor Bullet King, we knew him well.
    Pidian and Lardaltef like this.
  11. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Who's Bullet King?
  12. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    He was a mob you could exploit for lots of loot.

  13. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall


    PS: Fuck the DZ.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  14. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    Ubisoft makes a pvp zone for people to go wild in.

    Massive punishment for anyone that tries to pvp in the pvp specific zone.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  15. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    wow I feel like npcs in the dark zone got waaay buffed this patch
  16. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    Finally completed a challenging daily thanks to Derak and Sheo. Fecking awesome fights. And despite it being my first time at that difficulty, I wasn't the one who got carried.

    Too badly.

    Made it out of there with a High-end vest and some phoenix credits. Looking forward to tomorrow's missions.
    Sheogoraath likes this.
  17. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    Sane here Varg! Great times had by all. I love the panic that sets in in the big, difficult fights.

    Thanks again Derak and Varg. Shall we meet again tonight?
    Vargyr likes this.
  18. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    I will be on again this afternoon for shenanigans and the daily reset.

    That High-End vest I scored turned out to be -awesome-. 45% ammo capacity and an armor buff talent.

    We need to hit up challenging difficulty on the non-daily missions too. :D MOAR PHOENIX! EXPLOSIONS! TORGUE!
    Sheogoraath likes this.
  19. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    I'll be around this evening. My GF is preparing to take the MCAT in May, so the plus side to that is I have most friday and saturday evenings free for the next month. :p Now we just need a 4th!
  20. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    I'm around tonight but not this weekend, gonna be in bahstan visiting a lady
    Lardaltef likes this.