Xcom: Enemy Unknown

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Valhalla, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Hunter Gamma

    Hunter Gamma Well Liked Viking


    Yeah, I know that feeling.
  2. AlexEss

    AlexEss Made Some Friends Thrall

    pretty much my feeling too. After the UFO series and how several classic titles have been revived lately i am cautious optimistic.
  3. 00dlez

    00dlez New Guy Thrall

    Which is really how I approach any game these days really... With a few exceptions for "must have now" games like Skyrim, MWO etc, I much prefer to wait a month or two for a better idea of the game and then usually being able to buy it on steam with an eventual sale.
  4. OverdriveMT

    OverdriveMT New Guy Thrall

    Already pre-ordered!
  5. 00dlez

    00dlez New Guy Thrall

    Great! It's now your sole mission to play it and tell me how it is
  6. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

  7. Valhalla

    Valhalla New Guy Viking

    I have pre-ordered as well. So I really hope all goes well. I do love the comic. Probably classify a ton of things with that approach and thinking.
  8. 00dlez

    00dlez New Guy Thrall

    So funny story.... I thought you all were talking about this new X-Com:

    Not the re-released strategy version.

    I was not so into the above trailer... I am all about the strategy re-make.

    Pre-ordered and anxiously awaiting it's release. From the few preview videos I was watching last night it looks as though they really stayed true to the classic elements that made the game great and added new "neat" features that I'm excited to explore.

    ... Also I get the soldier hat for TF2 which I'm not not looking forward too.
  9. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

  10. Valhalla

    Valhalla New Guy Viking


    I have seen that game as well, and agree that it creates virtually no anticipation.
  11. Hunter Gamma

    Hunter Gamma Well Liked Viking

  12. 00dlez

    00dlez New Guy Thrall

    Just a quick thought/favor to ask those who pre-ordered (maybe you had to pre-order through Steam), if you haven't already, download Team Fortress 2. The hats you will get for pre-ordering will NOT be worthless - even if you couldn't care less about TF2 or hats, I know at least 1 person (me) who wouldn't mind taking them off your hands and would love you long time if you made the effort.

    Just based on my experiences with these sorts of hats in the past, you could probably trade them for a cheap $5 game or so. Might not be worth the effort for some of you, but just throwing it out there. I'm happy to help anyone offload their digital goods for something they might want more.

    Also my friend said he wanted a sectoid pyro hat... And I told him he couldn't have mine :)
  13. MinuX

    MinuX New Guy Thrall

    I am so looking forward to this game. Its going to be that, MWO, SC2 and GW2 until summer I think xD
  14. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Well, there's a demo out on steam

    EDIT: it has a tutorial mission and 1 short mission. Awesome, played through it, fun.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  15. Redemptor

    Redemptor New Guy Viking

    Uuuuh... X-com..

    Uuuuuhh.. Demo..

    Don't know if my old beard can handle these new x-coms. I lived my youth through the original x-com (series, even though there is Only One).

    Old beard memories of the past:

    Aliens terrorizes local city population
    X-com rushes to rescue
    X-com soldiers clears the city with skill and knowledge
    ..wait, what.. Mission not over?
    Start city wide sweep for the last alien..
    ..finds out nothing..
    ..Suddenly, alien! Shoot it! Kill it! Burn it! Bring down death from above!
    Everybody starts shooting at alien..
    ..Alien simply walks into a gas station
    A plan comes up: Use missile launchers & high explosives
    Plan in action: Carnage, civilian deaths & city in flames
    Result of action: Alien still not dead

    (In the end I did kill it but boy it took a looong time)
  16. Hunter Gamma

    Hunter Gamma Well Liked Viking

    Tried the demo out. Liked it a lot!
    As a side note: Nice that they choose McCann to do the soundtrack. Loved DE:HR soundtrack!
  17. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    I played the demo last night, was not expecting much of the new xcom. I was suprised how good it was.
  18. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    That demo was good
  19. Valhalla

    Valhalla New Guy Viking

    Agreed. The demo was one of the better ones I have played. Just finished paying the rest of my preorder off, so at this point, im fully committed haha.
  20. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Yea, I'm just torn on pre-order or wait a few months for price drop... I do have enough games right now to take up my time.